Premises Liability
A s full service law firm, Sanders is extraordinarily positioned to provide a wide range of experience in numerous areas of law for the clients we represent. Our solution-oriented attorneys understand the unique situations that arise when dealing with property claims and strive to resolve claims quickly and efficiently when possible. If a settlement cannot be achieved, our attorneys aggressively represent our clients throughout the litigation process in the most cost effective manner available.
While we have a full complement of attorneys, paralegals, and office staff, we are acutely aware that not every case will require the full backing of our Firm. Therefore, at the commencement of each matter we determine which resources that we will be allocated to handle the case. This analysis is done based on complexity of the matter in conjunction with the individual talents and expertise of our lawyers, paralegals, and staff. Every case and every project is administered to be cost-effective, without sacrificing quality, while at the same time always making sure we maintain compliance with each client’s unique guidelines and situation
Sanders Law Firm handles a wide variety of cases, including claims arising from:
- Property Assessment Appeals and Abatements
In Colorado the Assessor’s offices reassess value of your property every two years. Oftentimes, the valuation given is inaccurate and results in higher tax premiums for property owners. If you believe that your property has been improperly assessed our team of attorneys can assist you. We vigorously investigate every case to determine whether you have a property claim and to ensure that you get a fair valuation or an abatement for taxes paid as a result of an unfair assessment value. - Insurance Bad Faith and Damage Claims
Living with Colorado comes with an uncertainty about the weather. When bad weather strikes it can cause substantial damage to your property. Insurance companies desire to pay the least amount possible and often times offer you far less than it would cost to rectify the damage to your property. Our team of attorneys has successfully fought numerous claims against insurance companies for our clients and we are ready to fight for you. if your property has been damaged in one of Colorado’s many storms and the insurance companies are not treating you fairly give us a call and we will work against the insurance adjusters on your behalf to get you’re the recovery you deserve. - Premises Liability Claims
In Colorado, individuals can seek recovery for injuries sustained while on the property of another pursuant to the Colorado Premises Liability Statute C.R.S.§ 13-21-115. In many cases, people are simply conducting business at an establishment when a hazard on the premises causes them to slip and fall. When this occurs, the landowner rushes to the aid of the individual and occasionally fills out an incident report about the fall. However, the pleasantries stop when you depart the property and the focus of the landowner shifts to ways they can avoid paying for your injuries. If you find yourself in this predicament, give us a call and we will work towards achieving the compensation you are entitled to.